@inproceedings{2013SchiavoniICMC, author = {Schiavoni, Fl\'avio Luiz and Queiroz, Marcelo and Wanderley, Marcelo}, title = {ALTERNATIVES IN NETWORK TRANSPORT PROTOCOLS FOR AUDIO STREAMING APPLICATIONS}, booktitle={Proceedings of the International Computer Music Conference}, year = {2013}, address = {Perth, Australia} } @inproceedings{2013SchiavoniSMC, author = {Schiavoni, Fl\'avio Luiz and Queiroz, Marcelo and Wanderley, Marcelo}, title = {NETWORK MUSIC WITH MEDUSA: A COMPARISON OF TEMPO ALIGNMENT IN EXISTING MIDI APIS}, booktitle={Proceedings of the Sound and Music Computing Conference}, year = {2013}, address = {Stockholm, Sweden} } @inproceedings{2013SchiavoniSBCM, AUTHOR="Fenerich, Alexandre and Obici, Giuliano Lambert and Schiavoni, Fl\'avio Luiz", TITLE="Marulho TransOce\^anico: performance musical entre dois continentes", BOOKTITLE="SBCM 2013", ADDRESS="Bras\'ilia - DF - Brazil", DAYS="31-2", pages="11-22", MONTH="aug-sep", YEAR="2013" }